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March 2, 2021
More Than 250 Michigan Audits Confirm Accuracy of Dominion Machines
The Michigan Secretary of State's Office has completed the most comprehensive series of post-election audits in the state's history. The results confirm that Dominion machines counted votes accurately.
Michigan conducted more than 250 audits across the state, examining the ballots cast in the general election, the machines that tabulated those ballots, and the election procedures used. Michigan also conducted a "zero-margin risk-limiting audit" in Antrim County, which affirmed the county’s certified election results and confirmed that an earlier counting error was the result of human error and did not affect election results.
According to the Secretary of State's Office:
"The audit process drew tremendous support and complete transparency from county, city and township clerks. In more than 1,300 Republican, Democrat, and nonpartisan clerks, as well as the state Bureau of Elections, participated in at least one audit."
From Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson:
"We’ve responded to every question and claim and the evidence is clear… Our election was the most secure in history, and the results accurately reflect the will of Michigan’s voters."
The Michigan Secretary of State's release can be found here. A Detroit Free Press article about the audit can be found here. Additional facts on Dominion in Michigan can be found here.