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April 1, 2021

Dominion Statement on Selection of Firms to Audit Maricopa County’s 2020 Election Results

"The firms selected to conduct this audit are beyond biased. Publicly-available information indicates the firms chosen for the Arizona effort are led by conspiracy theorists and QAnon supporters who have helped spread the Big Lie. Dominion supports forensic audits conducted by federally-accredited Voting System Test Labs – but this has already happened twice in Maricopa County. In addition to those successful audits, more than a thousand independent recounts and audits across the country since Election Day have all demonstrated the accuracy and reliability of Dominion voting systems."

Publicly available information about Cyber Ninjas, one of the firms selected, includes:

  • Cyber Ninjas is owned by Doug Logan, who has been an active promoter of baseless conspiracy theories alleging widespread election fraud last year, including in Arizona. Logan deleted his Twitter account, @securityvoid, sometime in January. Prior, he repeatedly endorsed and spread election fraud conspiracy theories on Twitter. For example, on December 31, Logan retweeted: "I'm tired of hearing people say there was no fraud. It happened, it’s real, and people better get wise fast." Additional examples of Logan writing and promoting election conspiracy theories on Twitter, including screenshots, were reported by the Arizona Mirror here.
  • Two weeks after the election, Logan tweeted that "Dominion servers in German WERE grabbed by 'the good guys' in Germany," promoting a false conspiracy theory that was circulating after the election. Logan’s comments about Dominion and its voting machines are particularly noteworthy, given that the audit will examine Maricopa County’s ballot tabulation machines.
  • Cyber Ninjas does not appear to have any experience with elections-related work.

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