High Volume Central Scanning
Compatible with three scanner types, ImageCast® Central customizes throughput capacity for absentee, vote-by-mail and precinct generated ballots. Scalable by simply adding units, ImageCast® Central has all the tools election officials need for an accurate and efficient central count process.


Operators follow a simple four-step process: Load the ballots into the paper tray, click "Scan", remove ballots from the output tray and click "Accept Batch."

Compatible with a range of commercially available scanners to meet the needs of any sized jurisdictions.

Customizable outstack conditions and marginal mark detection lets you decide which ballots are sent for Adjudication.

Provides a clear and fully auditable single vote cast record for every ballot cast.

Multiple ImageCast® Central units can be programmed for simultaneous use to match your throughput needs.

Transparent and efficient processing of ballots that require voter intent resolution.
Dominion Voting Systems operates a strong product security program that leverages internal and external security expertise for rigorous development processes that align with – or exceed – industry best practices for security. Every Dominion system is certified by federal and state election authorities for use, and we make continuous improvements to our products throughout their lifecycle.
Key system features include: Multi-factor authentication, role-based access, lockable hardware ports, the latest encryption techniques and full auditing capabilities for every action. These multiple layers of protection work to help ensure the integrity of every election conducted with Dominion Democracy Suite systems.
For more on our company security program, visit our Dominion Secure page. Learn more about tools and best practices for U.S. elections.